Managing OTDS Resources |
Before you begin this task
To add Resources to either level, you must have one of the following roles:
Space |
Role |
Shared |
Security System Administrator |
Organization |
Security Administrator |
Note: Resources in the Shared space are applicable for all organizations and those in the Organization space are applicable only for that organization. Hence, a specific role is required to add, delete, and update Resources in the Shared space.
You can view and manage OTDS Resources in the Security Administration. OTDS Resources are used in different components like Single Sign-On Authenticators and the Document Store Service Container configuration.
You can manage OTDS Resources as follows:
Opening the OTDS Resources Configuration Panel
To open the OTDS Resources configuration panel, do the following:
- Click CUSP > My Applications >
(Security Administration). The Security Administration window appears and the Certificates tab is displayed by default.
- Click on the OTDS Resources tab.
The OTDS Resources configuration panel is displayed
Adding a Resource
To add a Resource, do the following:
- Click
. An empty editable Resource Details form is displayed at the bottom.
- Provide a Resource Name. This is to identify the OTDS Resource entry. The name can be any name.
- Select the Space for which the OTDS Resource is active. OTDS Resources in the Shared space can be used in all the organizations. An OTDS Resource in the Organization space only can be used in the current organization.
Note: Only in the system organization a Shared Resource can be created.Note: Using a Resource in combination with OTDS Authentication and OTDS Push Connector requires the Resource to be created in the Organization Space.
- The OTDS Server URL is the URL to access the OTDS Server. This must be a valid URL, starting with either http or https. There can be a port number in the URL.
Follow the instructions in Using OTDS with SSL to configure the trust between Process Platform and OTDS. - Each OTDS Resource configured in OTDS has a unique ID. Specify this ID in the Resource ID field.
- Click
to store the Resource in the repository.
The Resource is added.
Modifying a Resource
To modify a Resource, do the following:
- In the table click on the Resource that needs to be modified. An editable Resource Details form is displayed at the bottom.
- Update the fields. Note: The Resource Name and Space fields cannot be modified as they form the unique key.
- Click
to store the Resource in the repository.
The selected Resource is modified.
Deleting a Resource
To delete a Resource, do the following:
- Select the Resource that needs to be removed by selecting its corresponding check box.
- Click
. The selected Resource is removed from the table.
- Click
to remove the Resource from the repository.
The selected Resource is deleted.
Note: It is possible to combine add, update, and delete actions before storing it in the repository.
Activating a Resource
To activate a Resource, do the following:
- In the table click on the Resource that needs to be activated. An editable Resource Details form is displayed at the bottom.
- Click Activate.
The selected Resource is activated.
Note: It is only possible to activate resources that are stored in the repository. If Activate is grayed-out, click first.
Auditing Modifications
To enable auditing modifications to OTDS Resources, do the following:
- Click CUSP > My Applications <
(Audit Configuration).
- Enable the artifact type OTDS Resource.
The OTDS Resources are enabled for modifications.
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